What is Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)?
EMDR is a type of therapy that incorporates principles from several forms of psychotherapy, including rapid eye movement and imaginal exposure, to provide relief from trauma and other psychological stressors that cause distress. EMDR helps people change the feelings associated with traumatic memories, but not the facts. At the end of treatment, individuals may recall the details of the trauma but no longer experience strong negative physical and emotional reactions.

What kind of EMDR training do you have?
I am EMDR Basic trained through an EMDRIA-approved organization. Members of the EMDR International Association (EMDRIA) seek the highest standards for the clinical use of EMDR. Basic training consists of 40 hours of training and 10 hours of clinical consultation.

Is EMDR evidence-based?
Yes, EMDR is part of the American Psychological Association’s Clinical Practice Guideline for the Treatment of PTSD.

Can I do EMDR through telehealth / video sessions?
Yes, I conduct EMDR sessions both in-person and through video sessions. Outcomes have been similar with both options. I am licensed to see clients who are located in California at the time of the session.

Is EMDR the same as Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART)?
No, these treatments are different although they share some similarities. EMDR and ART are both evidence-based treatments that use rapid eye movements to facilitate recovery of traumatic events. This article discusses some of their differences: Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART): Quick Fix for PTSD?

I am interested in both EMDR and ART. Which is right for me?
I am trained in both of these modalities and can make a determination for whether EMDR, ART, or a hybrid of both is recommended, based on the presenting issues. The best way to start is to schedule a free 15 minute consultation.

Where can I learn more about EMDR?
More information about EMDR can be found at the EMDR International Association, the EMDR Institute, and from the resources below. This page has a description of what a typical EMDR session looks like.


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